
Brief history of Bilbao LABEAN (Bilbao Laboratory of Experimental Analysis):

The laboratory Bilbao LABEAN is a research facility built by the Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis I, officially opened in July 2009. The equipment of the lab was financed by means of three research grants assigned to the Department during the period when Professor Juan Ignacio Pérez Iglesias was the Rector of our university. The Department gratefully acknowledges this Rector and his team all the help and facilities they provided us to build the laboratory.

The Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis I is in charge of Bilbao LABEAN.

Director: José Ramón Uriarte.


Working Areas of Bilbao LABEAN:

During the last thirty years, laboratory economic experiments have become an important source of knowledge to understand the individual and collective economic behaviour. Laboratory experiments allow a strict control of the environment where decisions are taken. Experimental economics is now a major research methodology in economics. The topics studied by the experimental and behavioural economists essentially cover all the relevant economic issues, from the simple ones of decision theory to the most complex that involve strategic market interactions.

"What do we know about the structure of human economic behavior?
I must admit that the answer is disappointing. We know very little.
(....) We need more positive knowledge on the structure of
human behavior. We need quantitative theories of bounded rationality,
supported by experimental evidence, which can be used in economic
modelling as an alternative to exaggerated rationality assumptions."

R. Selten (1991) "Evolution, Learning and Economic Behavior" GEB 3, 3-24.



The laboratory is equipped with a network of 45 computers and four servers located in the control room.

This laboratory is part of the research infrastructure of the University of the Basque Country. Hence, Bilbao LABEAN could be the laboratory of experimental analysis for any person or group who wish to work with the methods of experimental and behavioural economics.



Scientific Committee.

Use of the Laboratory Facilities

Those who wish to run an experiment in the facilities of Bilbao LABEAN should contact the Director of the laboratory, José Ramón Uriarte,  sending him a request by filling the following application form: Request Bilbao LABEAN. This request will be studied by the Scientific Committee and a decision will be taken as soon as possible.

Bilbao Labean | Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Desarrollo web: www.alalpe.es